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Grow Partnership Tennessee GPT is dedicated to addressing social inequalities and promoting healthy and sustainable development within the South-Central regions of Appalachia, while address racism as a public health crisis.



Section A: The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) Employee Handbook (the “Handbook”) has been developed to provide general guidelines about the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) policies and procedures for employees, staff members and volunteers. It is a guide to assist you in becoming familiar with some of the privileges and obligations of your employment, including the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) policy of voluntary at‐will employment. None of the policies or guidelines in the Handbook is intended to give rise to contractual rights or obligations, or to be construed as a guarantee of employment for any specific period, or any specific type of work. Additionally, except for the voluntary at‐will employment policy, these guidelines are subject to modification, amendment, or revocation by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) at any time, without advance notice.

Section B: The personnel policies of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) are established by the Board of Directors, which has delegated authority and responsibility for their administration to the Executive Director. The Executive Director may, in turn, delegate authority for administering specific policies. Employees, staff members and volunteers are encouraged to consult the Executive Director for additional information regarding the policies, procedures, and privileges described in this Handbook. Questions about personnel matters also may be reviewed with the Executive Director. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will provide everyone access to this Handbook upon employment. All employees are expected to abide by it. The highest standards of personal and professional ethics and behavior are expected of all the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) employees/staff and volunteers. Further, Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) expects each employee, staff member, volunteers, and contractor to display good judgment, diplomacy, and courtesy in their professional relationships/appearance with members of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) Board of Directors, committees, membership, staff, and the public.


Section A: Unless an employee has a written employment agreement with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT), which provides differently, all employment at the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) is “at‐will.” That means that employees, staff members and volunteers may be terminated from employment with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) or without cause, and employees are free to leave the employment of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) with or without cause. Any representation by any Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) officer or employee, staff member, or volunteer contrary to this policy is not binding upon the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) unless it is in writing and is signed by the Executive Director with the approval of the Board of Directors. EVERYONE VOLUNTEERING MUST FILLOUT AND SIGN AN employee, staff member and volunteer APPLICATION… 


Section A: The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) shall follow the spirit and intent of all federal, state, and local employment law and is committed to equal employment opportunity. To that end, the Board of Directors, and Executive Director of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will not discriminate against any employee or applicant in a manner that violates the law. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) is committed to providing equal opportunity for all employees/staff/volunteers and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, political affiliation, personal appearance, family responsibilities, matriculation or any other characteristic protected under federal, state, or local law. Each person is evaluated based on personal skill and merit. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) policy regarding equal employment opportunity applies to all aspects of employment, including recruitment, hiring, job assignments, promotions, working conditions, scheduling, benefits, wage and salary administration, disciplinary action, termination, social, educational, and organizational programs.


Section B: The Executive Director shall act as the responsible agent for the full implementation of the Equal Employment Opportunity policy. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will not tolerate any form of unlawful discrimination against employees, staff members and volunteers. All employees, staff members and volunteers and board members are expected to cooperate fully in implementing this policy. Any employee, staff member, or volunteer or board member who believes that any other employee, staff member, or volunteer or board member of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) may have violated the Equal Employment Opportunity Policy should report the possible violation to the Executive Director and the Chairperson of the board. If the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) determines that a violation of this policy has occurred, it will take appropriate disciplinary action against the offending party, which can include counseling, warnings, suspension, and termination. Employees, staff members and volunteers or board member who reports in good faith, violations of this policy and employees, staff members and volunteers or board member who cooperate with investigations into alleged violations of this policy will not be subject to retaliation. Upon completion of the investigation, the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will inform the employee, staff member, or volunteer or board member who made the complaint of the results of the investigation.


Section C: The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) is also committed to complying fully with applicable disability discrimination laws and ensuring that equal opportunity in employment exists at the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) for qualified persons with disabilities. All employment practices and activities are conducted on a non‐discriminatory basis. Reasonable accommodations will be available to all qualified disabled employees, staff members and volunteers, upon request, so long as the potential accommodation does not create an undue hardship on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). Employees, staff members and volunteers or board members who believe that they may require accommodation should discuss these needs with the Executive Director. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact the Executive Director.


Section A: The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) is committed to providing a work environment for all employees, staff members and volunteers that is free from sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment. Employees, staff members and volunteers or board members are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to show respect for their co‐workers. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) commitment begins with the recognition and acknowledgment that sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment or harassment are, of course, unlawful. To reinforce this commitment, The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) has developed a policy against harassment and a reporting procedure for employees, staff members and volunteers or board members, who have been subjected to or witnessed harassment. This policy applies to all work‐related settings and activities, board meetings, etc., whether inside or outside the workplace, and includes business trips and business‐related social events. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) property (e.g., telephones, copy machines, facsimile machines, computers, and computer applications such as e‐mail and Internet access) may not be used to engage in conduct that violates this policy. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) policy for harassment covers employees, staff members and volunteers.


Section B: And other individuals who have a relationship with the (GPT)of Knoxville, which enables the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) to exercise some control over the individual’s conduct in places and activities that relate to the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) work (e.g., directors, officers, contractors, vendors, volunteers, etc.).


Section C: Prohibition of Sexual Harassment: The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT)policy against sexual harassment prohibits sexual advances or requests for sexual favors or other physical or verbal conduct of a sexual nature, when: (1) submission to such conduct is made an express or implicit condition of employment; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions affecting the individual who submits to or rejects such conduct; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an employee’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or offensive working environment. While it is not possible to list all of the circumstances which would constitute sexual harassment, the following are some examples: (1) unwelcome sexual advances ‐‐ whether they involve physical touching or not; (2) requests for sexual favors in exchange for actual or (4) promised job benefits such as favorable reviews, salary increases, promotions, increased benefits, or continued employment; or (3) coerced sexual acts. Depending on the circumstances, the following conduct may also constitute sexual harassment: (1) use of sexual epithets, jokes, written or oral references to sexual conduct, gossip regarding one’s sex life; (2) sexually oriented comment on an individual’s body, comment about an individual’s sexual activity, deficiencies, or prowess; (3) displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons; (4) unwelcome leering, whistling, deliberate brushing against the body in a suggestive manner; (5) sexual gestures or sexually suggestive comments; (6) inquiries into one’s sexual experiences; or (7) discussion of one’s sexual activities. While such behavior, depending on the circumstances, may not be severe or pervasive enough to create a sexually hostile work environment, it can nonetheless make co‐workers uncomfortable. Accordingly, such behavior is inappropriate and may result in disciplinary action regardless of whether it is unlawful.


Section D: It is also unlawful and expressly against the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) policy to retaliate against an employee, staff member, volunteer, or board member for filing a complaint of sexual harassment or for cooperating with an investigation of a complaint of sexual harassment. Prohibition of Other Types of Discriminatory Harassment: It is also against the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) policy to engage in verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual because of his or her race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, disability, or other protected category (or that of the individual’s relatives, friends, or associates) that: (1) has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or offensive working environment; (2) has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance; or (3) otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment opportunities. Depending on the circumstances, the following conduct may constitute discriminatory harassment: (1) epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, jokes, or threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts that relate to race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability; and (2) written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual or group because of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or disability and that is circulated in the workplace, or placed anywhere in the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) premises such as on an employee’s desk or workspace or on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) equipment or bulletin boards. Other conduct may also constitute discriminatory harassment if it falls within the definition of discriminatory harassment set forth in the above section of this handbook. It is also against the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) policy to retaliate against an employee for filing a complaint of discriminatory harassment or for cooperating in an investigation of a complaint of discriminatory harassment.


Section E:

Reporting of Harassment:

Sub-Section E-1: If you believe that you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or other discriminatory harassment by any employee, staff member, volunteer, or board member of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT); you should report the incident immediately to your supervisor or to the Executive Director. Possible harassment by others with whom the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) has a business relationship, including customers and vendors, should also be reported as soon as possible so that appropriate action can be taken. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of harassment as discreetly and confidentially as practicable. The investigation would generally include a private interview with the person making a report of harassment. It would also generally be necessary to discuss allegations of harassment with the accused individual and others who may have information relevant to the investigation. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) goal is to conduct a thorough investigation to determine whether harassment occurred and to determine what action to take if it is determined that improper behavior occurred.


Sub-Section E-2 : If the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) determines that a violation of this policy has occurred, it will take appropriate disciplinary action against the offending party, which can include counseling, warnings, suspension, and termination. Employees, staff members, volunteers and board members who report violations of this policy and employees who cooperate with investigations into alleged violations of this policy will not be subject to retaliation. Upon completion of the investigation, the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will inform the employee, staff member, or volunteer and board member who made the complaint of the results of the investigation. Compliance with this policy is a condition of each employee, staff member, volunteer and board member service or employment. Employees, staff members, volunteers and board members are encouraged to raise any questions or concerns about this policy or about possible discriminatory harassment with the Executive Director. In the case where the allegation of harassment is against the Executive Director, please notify the staff member designated as grievance officer.



Section A: Employees, staff members, volunteers and board members are prohibited from soliciting (personally or via electronic mail) for membership, pledges, subscriptions, the collection of money or for any other unauthorized purpose anywhere on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) property during work time, especially those of a partisan or political nature. “Work time” includes time spent in actual performance of job duties but does not include lunch periods or breaks. Non‐working employees, i.e., volunteers may not solicit or distribute to working employees. Persons who are not employed by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) may not solicit or distribute literature on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) premises at any time for any reason. Employee’s/staff/volunteer and board members are prohibited from distributing, circulating, or posting (on bulletin boards, refrigerators, walls, etc.) literature, petitions, or other materials at any time for any purpose without the prior approval of the Executive Director, his/her designee, or the board of directors.



Section A: Hours of Work

The normal work week for the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) normally consists of five (5), seven (7) hour days. Ordinarily, work hours are from 9:00 a.m. ‐ 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, including one hour (unpaid) for lunch. These times and days do not include events that require employees, staff members, or volunteers to work or be present. Employees, staff members, or volunteers may request the opportunity to vary their work schedules (within employer‐defined limits) to better accommodate personal responsibilities. Subject to the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) work assignments and Executive Director Approval, the employee’s supervisor shall determine the hours of employment that best suits the needs of the work to be done by the individual employee.


Section B: Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance is a key factor in your job performance. Punctuality and regular attendance are expected of all employees, staff members, or volunteers. Employees, staff members, or volunteers are expected to be at work at least 10 minutes to the start of their workday. This is done so that the employee, staff member or volunteer may adequately prepare for their workday. Excessive absences (whether excused or unexcused), tardiness or leaving early is unacceptable. Excessive absence from work is unacceptable and will not be tolerated within the workplace. Multiple days missed within a week, a month or a year are considered excessive absences.  If you are absent for any reason or plan to arrive late or leave early, you must notify your supervisor and the office manager as far in advance as possible and no later than two hours before the start of your scheduled workday. In the event of an emergency, you must notify your supervisor as soon as possible.

For all absences extending longer than one day, you must telephone your immediate supervisor prior to the start of each scheduled workday. When reporting an absence, you should indicate the nature of the problem causing your absence and your expected return‐to work date. A physician’s statement may be required as proof of the need for any illness‐related absence regardless of the length of the absence. Except as provided in other policies, an employee who is absent from work for three consecutive days without notification to his or her supervisor or the Executive Director will be considered to have voluntarily terminated his or her employment. The employee’s final paycheck, if applicable to the employee or staff member will be mailed to the last mailing address on file with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). Excessive absences, tardiness or leaving early will be grounds for discipline up to and including termination. Depending on the circumstances, including the employee’s length of employment, the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) may counsel employees prior to termination for excessive absences, tardiness or leaving early.


Section C: Overtime

Overtime pays, which is applicable only to Non‐Exempt Employees, is for any time worked more than 40 hours in a work week. Only the Executive Director or his or her designer, upon the request of an employee’s supervisor, may authorize overtime. Overtime rate is one and one‐half time (1½) the employee’s straight time rate, except in instances; if applicable, involving a Sunday or holidays when the rate is two times the regular rate. Payment of overtime will be provided in the pay period following the period in which it is earned.



Section A: Definition of Terms

  1. Employer. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) is the employer of all full‐time, part‐time, temporary, and volunteer employees. An employee is hired or accepted, provided compensation and applicable benefits, and has his or her work directed and evaluated by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT)

  2. Full‐Time Employee. A Full Time Employee regularly works at least 40 hours week.

  3. Part‐Time Employee. A Part Time Employee regularly works at least 35 hours per week but no fewer than 29 ½ hours per week.

  4. Exempt Employee. An Exempt Employee is an employee who is paid on a salary basis and meets the qualifications for exemption from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”).

  5. Non‐Exempt Employee. A Non‐Exempt Employee is an employee who is paid an hourly rate and does not meet the qualifications for exemption from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”). For Non‐Exempt Employees, an accurate record of hours worked must be maintained. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will compensate non‐exempt employees in accordance with applicable federal and state law and regulations.

  6. Temporary Employee. An individual employed, either on a full‐time or part‐time basis, for a specific period of less than six months. Temporary employees are entitled only to those benefits required by statute or as otherwise stated in the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) Employee Handbook. Volunteers are not allowed any benefit under this section as compensation. All employees are classified as Exempt or Non‐Exempt in accordance with federal and state law and regulations. Each employee is notified at the time of hire or acceptance of his or her specific compensation category and exempt or non‐exempt status; if applicable.

  7. Hostile Work Environment. A hostile work environment refers to a situation in a workplace where employees feel uncomfortable, intimidated, or fearful due to unwelcome behaviors or conduct. This environment may encompass various forms of harassment, discrimination, victimization, violence, or offensive behavior.

  8. Toxic Work Environment.  A toxic work environment is characterized by pervasive negative behaviors, attitudes, and dynamics that become ingrained within the workplace culture. Such behaviors are characterized by  bullying, harassment, disrespect, lack of support, micromanagement, favoritism, or excessive competition. This kind of environment often impedes teamwork, collaboration, and innovation in the workplace.


Sub-Section A-1

Definition of Independent Contractor & Employment Policy

  1. Introduction: Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) recognizes the need for flexibility in its workforce and may engage the services of independent contractors (1099 workers) to perform specific job duties within agencies, organizations, or companies affiliated with GPT. This policy outlines the terms and conditions governing the employment relationship between GPT and its independent contractors.

  2. Employment Status and Benefits: Independent contractors engaged by GPT are not considered full-time employees and are not entitled to the same benefits as regular, full-time employees, including but not limited to health insurance, retirement plans, sick days, annual leave, or personal time off.


Sick days, annual leave, and personal time off are at the sole discretion of the contracting agency, organization, or company. Independent contractors do not receive paid time off and must coordinate any absence from work directly with the contracting agency.

  1. Work Performance Reviews: Independent contractors may be subject to oral and written reviews of their work performance. These reviews will be conducted by the contracting agency or GPT, and feedback will be provided to help contractors improve their performance.

  2. Duration of Employment: The duration of an independent contractor's engagement with GPT and its affiliated agencies, organizations, or companies is specified within the terms of the contract. Contracts will outline the start and end dates of the employment relationship. Renewal of the contract is subject to a mutual agreement between the contractor and the contracting agency.

  3. Rent and Maintenance Charges: Independent contractors may be charged rental and maintenance fees for the use of space, equipment, and materials provided by GPT or its affiliated agencies. The specific charges and terms will be outlined in the contract agreement between the contractor and the contracting agency.

  4. Responsibilities: Independent contractors are responsible for managing their own tax obligations, including self-employment taxes and any other applicable taxes or deductions required by law. They are also responsible for providing their own tools, equipment, and workspace necessary to complete the contracted work.

  5. Confidentiality and Compliance: Independent contractors are expected to adhere to all confidentiality and compliance policies applicable to the specific project or job they are engaged in. They must maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information and comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards.

  6. Termination: Either party, GPT or the independent contractor, has the right to terminate the contract with written notice, as specified in the contract terms. GPT reserves the right to terminate the contract immediately in the event of a breach of contract or violation of policies.



Section A:

Each position shall have a written job description. In general, the description will include the: purpose of the position, areas of responsibilities, immediate supervisor(s), qualifications required, salary range, and working conditions affecting the job, e.g., working hours, use of car, etc. The supervisor(s) or the Executive Director shall have discretion to modify the job description to meet the needs of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). Paychecks are distributed on the 15th and the last day of each month, except when either of those days falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, in which case paychecks will be distributed on the preceding workday.

Timesheets are due to the Executive Director within two days of each pay period. All salary deductions are itemized and presented to employees with the paycheck. Approved salary deductions may include federal and state income taxes; social security, Medicare, and state disability insurance; voluntary medical and group hospitalization insurance premiums (if in force and if paid by employee) and other benefits (e.g., life insurance, retirement).



Section A:

The work of each employee is reviewed on an ongoing basis with the supervisor to provide a systematic means of evaluating performance. The bi-annual and annual performance review is a formal opportunity for the supervisor and employee to exchange ideas that will strengthen their working relationship, review the past year, and anticipate the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) needs in the coming year. The purpose of the review is to encourage the exchange of ideas to create positive change within the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). To that end, it is incumbent upon both parties to have an open and honest discussion concerning the employee’s performance. It is further incumbent upon the supervisor to clearly communicate the needs of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) and what is expected of the employee, staff member or volunteer in contributing to the success of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) for the coming year. Both supervisor and employee should attempt to arrive at an understanding regarding the objectives for the coming year. This having been done, both parties should sign the performance review form, which will be kept as part of the employees’ personnel record and used as a guide during the year to monitor employee progress relative to the agreed upon objectives. The Executive Director reviews the work of all supervisors. Work reviews for other employees, staff members or volunteers are the responsibility of the appropriate supervisor, subject to confirmation by the Executive Director.



Section A: Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid

The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) participates in the provisions of the Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid programs. Employees’ contributions are deducted from each paycheck and the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) contributes at the applicable wage base as established by federal law.

Section B: Workersʹ Compensation and Unemployment Insurance

Employees are covered for benefits under the Workersʹ Compensation Law. Absences for which worker compensation benefits are provided are not charged against the eligible employee sick leave. To ensure proper protection for employees of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT), any accident that occurs on the job must be reported, even if there are no injuries apparent at the time. Forms for this purpose are available from the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT).


Section A:

Full‐time employees (employees who regularly work at least 40 hours per week) receive one (1) paid day off for each full day of holiday time. Holiday benefits for part‐Time employees will be pro‐rated in accordance with the hours regularly worked by the employee. Employees wishing to take religious holidays may substitute a religious holiday for one of those listed above, with advance approval from their supervisor and the Executive Director. Temporary employees are ineligible for holiday leave benefits. In those years when Independence Day, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and New Year’s Day fall on Saturday or Sunday, the Executive Director will designate the workday that will replace the weekend holiday. (SEE EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PRACTICES A. Definition of Terms)

Section B: Holidays

Full‐Time Employees are eligible for 11.5 holidays per year as follows:

New Year’s Day          Columbus Day

Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday          Veterans Day

Presidents Day           Thanksgiving Day & The day after Thanksgiving Day

Memorial Day           Labor Day

Independence Day          Christmas Eve & Christmas Day


Section C: Vacation

During the first 120 days of employment full and part‐time employees will not earn vacation benefits. During the remaining nine months of first year employment, a full‐time employee will earn two weeks (5 days) of paid vacation. Full‐time employees will continue to earn two weeks (5 days) of vacation during the second year of employment. In their third year of employment, full‐time employees will earn three weeks (10 days) of Vacation. During the fourth year and thereafter, full‐time employees will earn four weeks (15 days) of Vacation per year. Temporary employees and volunteers are ineligible for vacation benefits. Vacation benefits are prorated accordingly for part‐Time employees. Use of vacation is subject to approval by the supervisor and Executive Director and must be requested in hourly increments, using the appropriate leave request form... Employees are expected to use vacation benefits in the fiscal year in which vacation is earned. Employees may carry over unused vacation from one year to the next only with the approval of the Executive Director. Employees may not accrue more than the maximum leave they are allowed. Once an employee reaches his or her annual ceiling, the employee ceases to accrue any additional vacation benefits. If an employee later uses enough vacation benefits to fall below the ceiling, the employee starts to accrue leave again from that date forward until he or she reaches his or her vacation ceiling. Accordingly, employees are encouraged to use all vacation benefits in the fiscal year in which they are earned to avoid reaching the ceiling limit.

Section D: Sick Leave

Sick leave benefits are earned on a prorated basis of one day (4.5 hours) per month for full‐time employees beginning at the first day of employment. Part‐time employees receive prorated sick leave benefits, (i.e., 2.5 hours per month if the Employee works 35 hours per week). Temporary or contracted employees are not eligible for paid sick leave benefits. The use of sick leave is subject to approval by the supervisor and the Executive Director and must be requested in hourly increments. Unused sick leave can accumulate from year to year up to a maximum of 30 days (110hours) for full‐time employees. This limitation on accrual of sick leave benefits is prorated accordingly for part‐time employees. No sick leave benefits are paid upon separation of employment from the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) for any reason. If an employee’s illness or injury requires a consecutive absence of three (3) days or more, physician documentation will be required. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) also may recommend that the employee apply for state disability insurance (SDI). If the employee receives SDI and the compensation does not equal the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) may choose to make up the difference until all sick leave benefits are used.

Section E: Personal Leave

The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) provides three (3) days of personal leave per calendar year to all Full‐Time and Part‐Time employees who have completed six months of employment. Personal leave benefits are prorated accordingly for part‐time employees. Temporary employees are not eligible for paid personal leave benefits. Personal leave is accrued at the beginning of each year and cannot be carried into the next year. Personal leave may not be taken in the first six (6) months of employment. All personal leave is subject to prior approval by the supervisor and Executive Director and must be requested in hourly increments. No personal leave benefits are paid upon separation from employment with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) for any reason.

Section F: Military Leave

Employees who are inducted into or enlist in the Armed Forces of the United States or are called to duty as a member of a reserve unit may take an unpaid leave in accordance with applicable law. The employee must provide advance notice of his or her need for military leave and the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will request a copy of the employee’s orders, which will be kept on record by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). The time an employee spends on military leave will be counted as continuous service for the purpose of determining eligibility and accrual for various benefit plans and policies.

Section G: Civic Responsibility

The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) believes in the civic responsibility of its employees and encourages this by allowing employees time off to serve jury duty when required and to serve as nonpartisan Election Day poll workers when appropriate and approved. 1. Jury Duty. For time served on jury duty, the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will pay employees the difference between his or her salary and any amount paid by the government, unless prohibited by law, up to a maximum of ten days. If an employee is required to serve more than ten days of jury duty, the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will provide the employee with unpaid leave. Employees must provide the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) a copy of proof of service received by the court in which they serve. 2. Election Day Poll Workers. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will not pay employees the difference between his or her salary and any amount paid by the government or any other source, unless prohibited by law for serving as an Election Day worker at the polls on official election days (not to exceed two elections in one given calendar year). While performing their official nonpartisan duties at the polls, Election Day workers may not engage in political activity or campaign for or against any candidate or ballot measure. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) requires that employees provide proof of service for their time at the polls. Employees interested in using this benefit must have written approval from the Executive Director 30 days before the election. The Executive Director will assure you that the employee’s absence will not seriously interfere with the Organization’s operations. NO EMPLOYEE, STAFF MEMBER, VOLUNTEER or BOARD MEMBER MAY ENGAGE IN ANY POLITICAL ACTIVITY UNDER OR MAKE USE OF THE NAME “(GPT)OF KNOXVILLE.”

Section H: Parental Leave will fall under the state and federal law for use of policy under the (GPT)of Knoxville.


Section I: Bereavement Leave

Employees shall be entitled to bereavement leave with pay of three (3) days in the event of a death in the employee’s immediate family (spouse/life partner, child, or parent) and three (2) days for grandparent, sister or brother, father‐in‐law, mother‐in‐law, or grandchildren. If an employee wishes to take time off extended leave due to the death of an immediate family member, the employee should notify the Executive Director immediately. However, such bereavement leave WILL NOT be paid. Approval of bereavement leave will occur in the absence of unusual operating requirements. An employee may use, with the Executive Director’s approval, available paid leave for additional time off as necessary and in accordance with operating needs.

Section J: Extended Personal Leave

Employees, staff members and volunteers who have been employed by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) for at least one year may apply for personal leaves of absence for up to eight weeks. Personal leaves are unpaid and are discretionary with the Executive Director and the board of directors of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). When considering a request for a personal leave, the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will consider factors such as the employee’s position, the employee’s length of service, the employee’s performance record including attendance, the purpose of the leave, the needs of the department in which the employee works, the effect of the leave on other employees, and the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) general business needs. Personal leave generally is unpaid. However, accrued vacation or personal time may be used to continue an employee’s salary during the leave. Vacation and sick time will not be used or continue to accrue during the leave of absence. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) cannot guarantee reinstatement upon return from a personal leave. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) will, however, make a reasonable effort to place the employee in an available position for which he or she is qualified. If such a position is not available, then the employee’s employment will terminate. Even in that event, the employee may later apply for reemployment. Employees who fail to report to work after an approved leave of absence are deemed to have voluntarily resigned. When an approved leave has been exhausted, the employee may request additional leave. The Executive Director must approve all unpaid leave.

Section K: Severe Weather Conditions

The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) closes when local, state, and federal government offices in the area are closed due to severe weather conditions. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) also will follow a liberal leave policy when local, state and the federal government announces that liberal leave is applicable. Under the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) liberal leave policy, annual and/or personal leave may be taken without prior scheduling and approval if the employee is unable to reach the office due to severe weather conditions.

Section L: Meetings and Conferences

Staff may be given limited time off by the Executive Director with pay to participate in educational opportunities related to the staff members current or anticipated work with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) An employee serving as an official representative of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) at a conference or meeting is considered on official business and not on leave.


Section A:

The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) Reimbursement is authorized for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred in carrying out job responsibilities. EMPLOYEES ONLY… Volunteers will not be reimbursed. Mileage or transportation, parking fees, business telephone calls, and meal costs when required to attend a luncheon or banquet, are all illustrative of reasonable and necessary expenses. Employees serving in an official capacity for the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) at conferences and meetings are reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred, such as travel expenses, meal costs, lodging, tips, and registration fees. When attending meetings that have been approved by the Executive Director, employees are reimbursed for travel expenses, course fees, and costs of meals and lodging at the current rates.

Employees may also request a travel advance to cover anticipated expenses approved travel. Employees also may be granted leave to attend a conference or professional meeting related to their professional development, and/or the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) current and anticipated work. Expenses for these purposes can be paid by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) if funds are available, and the employee obtains prior written approval of such expenses. Employees are responsible for transportation costs between the office and home during normal work hours. Section Transportation costs are paid by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) for work outside normal work hours if the employee is on official business for the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). Employees authorized to use their personal cars for the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) businesses are reimbursed at the U.S. Internal Revenue Service approved rate. Forms are provided to request reimbursement for actual expenses and advance payment for travel. Receipts must be provided for all expenditures made to claim reimbursement.


Section A:

The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) or the employee, staff member, or volunteer may initiate separation. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) encourages employees to provide at least two weeks (10 days) written notice prior to intended separation. After receiving such notice, an exit interview will be scheduled by the Executive Director or his or her designer. The Executive Director has authority to employ or separate all other employees. Circumstances under which separation may occur include: 1. Resignation. Employees are encouraged to give at least 10 business days of written notice. Since a longer period is desired, the intention to resign should be made known as far in advance as possible. Employees who resign are entitled to receive accrued, unused vacation benefits. 2. Termination or Lay‐off. Under certain circumstances, the termination or lay‐off of an employee may be necessary. Employees who are terminated or laid off are not entitled to receive accrued benefit(s) listed or otherwise mentioned in or associated with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). The Executive Director has authority to discharge an employee, staff member, or volunteer from service or the employ of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). As stated above, all employment or service-related duties at the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) are “at‐will.” That means that employees may be terminated from employment with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) with or without cause, and employee, staff member, or volunteer are free to leave the employment of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) with or without cause. Reasons for discharge may include, but are not limited to: • Falsifying or withholding information on your employment application that did or would have affected the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) decision to hire you (this conduct will result in your immediate termination); • Falsifying or withholding information in other personnel records including personnel questionnaires, performance evaluations or any other records; • Performance at work below a level acceptable to the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) or the failure to perform assigned duties; • Failure to complete required time records or falsification of such time records; • Insubordination/hostile work environment; • Refusing to work reasonable overtime; • Negligence in the performance of duties likely to cause or actually causing personal injury or property damage; • Fighting, arguing or attempting to injure another; • Destroying or willfully damaging the personal property of another, including the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) property; • Breach of confidentiality; • Using or appearing to use for personal gain any information obtained on the job, which is not readily available to the general public or disclosing such information that damages the interests of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) or its customers or vendors; • Placing oneself in a position in which personal interests and those of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) } are or appear to be in conflict or might interfere with the ability of the employee to perform the job as well as possible; • Using the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) property or services for personal gain or taking, removing or disposing of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) material, supplies or equipment without proper authority; • Gambling in any form on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) property;• Dishonesty; • Theft; • The possession, use, sale or being under the influence of drugs or other controlled substances or alcoholic beverages during working hours or on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) premises at any time in violation of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) policies. • Carrying or possessing firearms or weapons on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) property; • Excessive tardiness or absenteeism whether excused or unexcused; • Unauthorized absence from work without proper notice; and •Engaging in discriminatory or abusive behavior, including sexual harassment, violation of dress code. At the sole discretion of the Executive Director, the employee may be asked to leave immediately or be given a period of notice.


Section A:

Employees, staff members, or volunteers are responsible for the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) equipment, property and work products that may be issued to them and/or are in their possession or control, including but not limited to: •Telephone cards, •Credit cards, •Identification badges, • Office/building keys, • Office/building security passes, • Computers, computerized diskettes, electronic/voice mail codes, and • Intellectual property (e.g., written materials, work products). In the event of separation from employment, or immediately upon request by the Executive Director or his or her designee, Employees, staff members, or volunteers must return all the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) property that is in their possession or control. Where permitted by applicable law(s), the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) may withhold from the employee's final paycheck the cost of any property, including intellectual property, which is not returned when required. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) also may take any action deemed appropriate to recover or protect its property.


Section A:

Employees or staff members may request a review of a personnel action or an unsatisfactory performance review. Employees are expected first to discuss their concerns with their immediate supervisor. If further discussion is desired, the employee may then discuss the situation with the Executive Director. The decision of the Executive Director is final.



Section A:

Personnel records are the property of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT), and access to the information they contain is restricted and confidential. A personnel file shall be kept for each employee and should include the employee’s job application, copy of the letter of employment and position description, performance reviews, disciplinary records, records of salary increases and any other relevant personnel information. It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify his/ or her supervisor in writing of any changes in personnel data, including personal mailing addresses, telephone numbers, names of dependents, and individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency. All employees must complete, within two days of the end of each pay period, their time and attendance record for review and approval by the Executive Director. Accurately recording time worked is the responsibility of every employee. Tampering, altering, or falsifying time records or recording time on another employee’s time record may result in disciplinary action, including separation from employment with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT).



Section A:

Individuals employed by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) may hold outside jobs if they meet the performance standards of their job with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). Employees should consider the impact that outside employment may have on their ability to perform their duties at the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). All employees will be evaluated by the same performance standards and will be subject to the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) scheduling demands, regardless of any outside work requirements. If the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) determines that an employee’s outside work interferes with their job performance or their ability to meet the requirements of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT), as they are modified from time to time, the employee may be asked to terminate the outside employment if he or she wishes to remain employed with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). Outside employment that constitutes a conflict of interest is prohibited. Employees may not receive any income or material gain from individuals or organizations for materials produced or services rendered while performing their jobs with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT).


Section A:

Any information that an employee learns about the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT), or its members or donors, because of working for the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) that is not otherwise publicly available constitutes confidential information. Employees/staff/volunteers and board member may not disclose confidential information to anyone who is not employed by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) or to other persons employed by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) who do not need to know such information to assist in rendering services. The protection of privileged and confidential information, including trade secrets, is vital to the interests and the success of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). The disclosure, distribution, electronic transmission or copying of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) confidential information is prohibited. Such information includes, but is not limited to, the following examples: • Compensation data. • Program and financial information, including information related to donors, and pending projects and proposals. Employees are required to sign a non‐disclosure agreement as a condition of employment. Any employee who discloses confidential Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) information will be subject to disciplinary action (including possible separation), even if he or she does not actually benefit from the disclosure of such information. Discussions involving sensitive information should always be held in confidential settings to safeguard the confidentiality of the information. Conversations regarding confidential information generally should not be conducted on cellular phones, or in elevators, restrooms, restaurants, or other places where conversations might be overheard.



Section A:

This section sets forth some important rules relating to the use of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) computer and communications systems. These systems include individual PCs provided to employees, staff members, volunteers and board members centralized computer equipment, all associated software, and the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) telephone, voice mail and electronic mail systems. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) has provided these systems to support its mission.

Although limited personal use of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) systems is allowed, subject to the restrictions outlined below, no use of these systems should ever conflict with the primary purpose for which they have been provided, the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) ethical responsibilities or with applicable laws and regulations. Each user is personally responsible for ensuring that these guidelines are followed. All data in the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) computer and communication systems (including documents, other electronic files, e‐mail, and recorded voicemail messages) are the property of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) may inspect and monitor such data at any time. No individual should have any expectation of privacy for messages or other data recorded in the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) systems. This includes documents or messages marked “private,” which may be inaccessible to most users but remain available to the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). Likewise, the deletion of a document or message may not prevent access to the item or eliminate the item from the system. they Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) systems must not be used to create or transmit material that is derogatory, defamatory, obscene, or offensive, such as slurs, epithets or anything that might be construed as harassment or disparagement based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, or religious or political beliefs. Similarly, the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) systems must not be used to solicit or proselytize others for commercial purposes, causes, outside organizations, chain messages or other non‐job‐related purposes. Security procedures in the form of unique user sign‐on identification and passwords have been provided to control access to the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) host computer system, networks, and voice mail system. In addition, security facilities have been provided to restrict access to certain documents and files for the purpose of safeguarding information. The following activities, which present security risks, should be avoided. • Attempts should not be made to bypass, or render ineffective, security facilities provided by the company. • Passwords should not be shared between users. If written down, passwords should be kept in locked drawers or other places that are not easily accessible. • Document libraries of other users should not be browsed unless there is a legitimate business reason to do so. • Individual users should never make changes or modifications to the hardware configuration of computer equipment. Requests for such changes should be directed at computer support or the Executive Director. • Additions to or modifications of the standard software configuration provided on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) PCs should never be attempted by individual users (e.g., autoexec.bat and config.sys files). Requests for such changes should be directed at computer support or the Executive Director. • Individual users should never load personal software (including outside email services) to company computers. This practice risks the introduction of a computer virus into the system. Requests for loading such software should be directed to computer support or the Executive Director. • Programs should never be downloaded from bulletin board systems or copied from other computers outside the company-on-company computers. Downloading or copying such programs also risks the introduction of a computer virus. If there is a need for such programs, a request for assistance should be directed to computer support or management. Downloading or copying documents from outside the company may be performed not to present a security risk. • Users should not attempt to boot PCs from floppy diskettes, CD, or jump/thumb drive, etc... This practice also risks the introduction of a computer virus. • the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) computer facilities should not be used to attempt unauthorized access to or use of other organizations’ computer systems and data. • Computer games should not be loaded on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) PCs. • Unlicensed software should not be loaded or executed on the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) PCs. • Company software (whether developed internally or licensed) should not be copied onto floppy diskettes or other media other than for the purpose of backing up your hard drive. Software documentation for programs developed and/or licensed by the company should not be removed from the company’s offices. • Individual users should not change the location or installation of computer equipment in offices and work areas. Requests for such changes should be directed to computer support or management. There are several practices that individual users should adopt that will foster a higher level of security. Among them are the following: • Turn off your personal computer when you are leaving your work area or office for an extended period. • Exercise judgment in assigning an appropriate level of security to documents stored on the company’s networks, based on a realistic appraisal of the need for confidentiality or privacy. • Remove previously written information from floppy diskettes before copying documents on such diskettes for delivery outside the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). • Back up any information stored locally on your personal computer (other than network-based software and documents) on a frequent and regular basis. Should you have any questions about any of the above policy guidelines, please contact the Executive Director.


Section A:

At this time, desktop access to the Internet is provided to employees when there is a necessity, and the access has been specifically approved. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) has provided access to the Internet for authorized users to support its mission. No use of the Internet should conflict with the primary purpose of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT), its ethical responsibilities or with applicable laws and regulations. Each user is personally responsible for ensuring that these guidelines are followed. Serious repercussions, including termination, may result if the guidelines are not followed. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) may monitor usage of the Internet by employees, staff members, volunteers, or board members including reviewing a list of sites accessed by an individual. No individual should have any expectation of privacy in terms of his or her usage of the Internet. In addition, the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) may restrict access to certain sites that it deems are not necessary for business purposes. The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) connection to the Internet may not be used for any of the following activities: • The Internet must not be used to access, create, transmit, print or download material that is derogatory, defamatory, obscene, or offensive, such as slurs, epithets, or anything that may be construed as harassment or disparagement based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, medical condition, marital status, religious or political beliefs. • The Internet must not be used to access, send, receive, or solicit sexually oriented messages or images. • Downloading or disseminating of copyrighted material that is available on the Internet is an infringement of copyright law. Permission to copy the material must be obtained from the publisher. For assistance with copyrighted material, contact computer support or the Executive Director. • Without prior approval of the Executive Director, software should not be downloaded from the Internet as the download could introduce a computer virus onto the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) computer equipment. In addition, copyright laws may cover the software so the downloading could be an infringement of copyright law. •Employees should safeguard against using the Internet to transmit personal comments or statements through e‐mail or to post information to news groups that may be mistaken as the position of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT). •Employees, staff members, volunteers and board members should guard against the disclosure of confidential information using Internet e‐mail or newsgroup. •Employees should not download personal e‐mail or Instant Messaging software to the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) computers. •The Internet should not be used to send or participate in chain letters, pyramid schemes or other illegal schemes. •The Internet should not be used to solicit or proselytize others for commercial purposes, causes, outside organizations, chain messages or other non‐job-related purposes. • The Internet should not be used to endorse political candidates or campaigns. The Internet provides access to many sites that charge a subscription or usage fee to access and use the information on the site. Requests for approval must be submitted to your supervisor. If you have any questions regarding any of the policy guidelines listed above, please contact your supervisor, or the Executive Director. Revised {Date} Approved by the Executive Committee of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) Board of Directors


Section A:

The first three (3) months of employment are probationary, unless they are a contracted employee, which their probationary period will be six (6) months. During this time both parties may assess suitability for employment with the Employer. This also provides management an opportunity to assess skill levels and address areas of potential concern. During the first ninety (90) days of the probationary period, employment may be terminated by either party for any reason whatsoever, with or without cause, and without notice or payment in lieu of notice, except as may be minimally prescribed by the Employment Standards Act (“ESA”), as may be amended from time to time. Upon satisfaction of the requirements under the ESA, as amended, the Employer shall have satisfied all obligations to the employee, whether under the ESA, as amended, or at common law. At the completion of the probation period, the employee and employer shall meet and review progress to date.


At this time one of three things will occur:

                                              I.    Probation will end.

                                            ii.    Probation may be extended for an additional six months.

                                           iii.    Employment will end.


Workplace Social Media Policy

Section B:


Grow Partnership Tennessee GPT values the contributions and insights of its team members. This policy aims to provide guidelines for responsible and professional use of social media platforms while representing our organization online.

General Guidelines

  1. Professional Conduct: Team members are expected to maintain professionalism and integrity when engaging on social media, especially when their profiles mention or relate to Grow Partnership Tennessee GPT.

  2. Confidentiality: Avoid sharing confidential or proprietary information, including but not limited to client details, internal discussions, financial data, or sensitive strategies. Respect the privacy of individuals and refrain from disclosing personal information without consent.

  3. Respect and Diversity: Ensure respectful and inclusive communication, refraining from discriminatory, offensive, or defamatory content based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic. Uphold the organization's values of inclusivity and respect for all.

  4. Personal Accountability: Personal opinions shared on social media should be clearly identified as individual views and not representative of Grow Partnership Tennessee GPT. Use disclaimers when expressing personal opinions that could be misconstrued as organizational statements.

  5. Compliance with Laws and Policies: Adhere to all applicable laws, including copyright, privacy, and defamation laws, when posting or sharing content. Ensure compliance with internal policies, including those related to harassment, discrimination, and code of conduct.

  6. Engagement with the Community: Encourage positive engagement with the community, showcasing our commitment to social impact and healthcare initiatives. Promote our mission while being mindful of the accuracy of information shared.


Social Media Usage

Section C:

  1. Official Representation: Only authorized representatives should post on behalf of Grow Partnership Tennessee GPT's official social media accounts. Any official communication should align with the organization's messaging and policies.

  2. Personal Accounts: While expressing personal views, employees should make it clear that their opinions are their own and not reflective of the organization. Use good judgment when posting about work-related matters.

  3. Endorsements and Partnerships: Disclose any affiliations or partnerships with external organizations or endorsements to maintain transparency and integrity.

  4. Monitoring and Enforcement: The organization reserves the right to monitor social media activity related to Grow Partnership Tennessee GPT. Non-compliance with this policy may result in disciplinary action.


Section A:

Discipline at Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) shall be progressive, depending on the nature of the problem. Its purpose is to identify unsatisfactory performance and / or unacceptable behaviour.

The stages may be:

                                              I.    Verbal reprimand

                                            ii.    Written reprimand

                                           iii.    Dismissal

Some circumstances may be serious enough that all three steps are not used. Some examples of these types of situations are theft, assault, or wilful neglect of duty. In all cases, documentation should be included in the employee's personnel file.

XXII: Professionalism

Professional Appearance and Conduct Policy

Section A:

At Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT), all employees, staff, volunteers, and contractors representing the organization must adhere to professional standards in appearance and behavior. This policy applies to in-person interactions, phone conversations, video calls (e.g., Zoom), and any electronic communication involving GPT. Employees, staff, volunteers, and contractors representing the organization my appear in ads, online social media campaigns, brochures, and flyers representing the organization.

Appearance Guidelines:

  1. Grooming and Attire: Presenting a professional image is essential. Employees, staff, volunteers, and contractors are expected to dress and groom themselves in a manner that reflects professionalism and respect for others.

  2. Professional Representation: When representing GPT, individuals should maintain a groomed and professional appearance in all interactions with the public, partners, and stakeholders.


Behavioral Expectations:

  1. Professional Conduct: Conducting oneself professionally is paramount. Use of personal time during work hours or at GPT events is not permitted.

  2. Language Usage: Excessive use of profanity or inappropriate language is deemed unprofessional and disrespectful. Employees should maintain a respectful demeanor and language in all communications with colleagues and stakeholders.

  3. Online Presence: Pictures displayed on GPT's website, social media pages, and press releases should adhere to the same standards of grooming and professionalism as expected in person.

Compliance and Enforcement:

Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in disciplinary action, as outlined in GPT's employee handbook or policies.

XXIII: Smoke Free Environment

Section A:

Effective Beginning October 1, 2007, Tennesseans were able to breathe smoke free at numerous restaurants, hotels, and many other establishments because of the Tennessee Non-Smokers Protection Act. On June 11, 2007, Governor Phil Bredesen signed the Act into law, which makes it illegal to smoke in most places where people work. As such, smoking in the offices of Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) or on the grounds is not permitted at any time. An ‘enclosed workplace’ is defined as the inside of any place, building or structure or conveyance or a part of any of them that a) is covered by a roof or b) employees work in or frequent during the course of their employment whether or not they are acting in the course of their employment at the time, and c) is not primarily a private dwelling.


Section A:

Regrettably, conflict can occur in any working environment. To resolve conflict in an expedient, yet fair manner, Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) recommends the following process for conflict or dispute resolution.

Ø  Speak to the person you are having the dispute with. Many times, disputes arise due to misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Ø  If speaking to the individual does not work, speak to the Executive Director. The ED will arrange a meeting between those involved in the dispute, to determine a resolution.

Ø  If the ED is unable to resolve a workplace dispute, the parties may be referred to mediation by an outside third party. The resolution of the mediator is binding on both parties of the dispute.

Everyone employed or volunteering must read the GPT employee handbook and sign the last page of this document acknowledging that you have read and understand the rules and policies set here within this document (handbook).


Print last Page.


I hereby acknowledge receipt of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) employee, staff member, or volunteer handbook. I understand that it is my continuing responsibility to read and know its contents. I also understand and agree that the Employee Handbook is not an employment contract for any specific period of employment or for continuing or long‐term employment. Therefore, I acknowledge and understand that unless I have a written employment agreement with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) that provides otherwise, I have the right to resign from my employment with the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT)at any time with or without notice and with or without cause, and that the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) has the right to terminate my employment/volunteer position at any time with or without notice and with or without cause.

I have read, understood, and agreed to all the above. I have also read and understand the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) employee, staff member, or volunteer handbook.


Any information that an employee/staff member/board member or volunteer learns about the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) or its members or donors, because of working for the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) that is not otherwise publicly available constitutes confidential information. Employees may not disclose confidential information to anyone who is not employed by the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) or to other persons employed by The Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) who do not need to know such information to assist in rendering services.

The disclosure, distribution, electronic transmission or copying of the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT) confidential information is prohibited. Any employee/staff member/board member or volunteer who discloses confidential information about the Grow Partnership Tennessee (GPT)will be subject to disciplinary action (including possible separation), even if he or she does not actually benefit from the disclosure of such information.

I understand the above policy and pledge not to disclose confidential information.

Signature _____________________________________________

Print Name ____________________________________________

Date ______________

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